Hello Everyone! Welcome to the next Installment of MDMonday! CoryW of Reddit was kind enough to review the MZ-RH1 for MDCon this week! Please register and leave any feedback in the comments section!
MDCon has a Partnership arrangement with Technical Initiative who's efforts include the creation and sharing of informative videos related to the repair and servicing of MiniDisc Gear! Click On Article Title For Complete Text
MDCon is excited to announce a new partnership with Sir68k to distribute RH1 Display Replacement kits across North America! You can now place your orders by registering your interest using the form below.
All net proceeds from these sales will go towards supporting future MDCon events and Road Shows. MDCon guarantees that the kits will arrive in working condition. If you need to return a kit, return postage must be covered by the purchaser. This guarantee is only valid for the original purchaser and is non-transferable.